For the printing stickers, as a rule, specially processed films are used. Paper varieties are used to inform buyers. Printing paper labels often involves the use of plain and metallized paper. Metallized material is preferred. After all, it normally tolerates excess moisture, the effects of organic compounds. The composition of high-quality paper labels includes certain layers: upper (informational), base and lower (processed with adhesive).
The following technologies are used to print self-adhesive paper labels:
- embossed;
- deep;
- flat.
The printing method is chosen taking into account many aspects. The need to reproduce certain forms and graphic images must be taken into account. For example, relief printing is used to prepare labels for high-end products.
You can configure your order right now on our web-site. After that we will call you and discuss all details and calculation.
Designing paper labels and stickers is an important milestone
An integral part of the production of thermal transfer paper labels is the preparation of a design project. Before developing a concept, information about the company, the product, and the target audience is carefully analyzed. This is necessary to clearly articulate consumer benefits.
In each case, several design projects are prepared. They contain the most creative graphic solutions. Among the options presented, the best, most suitable one is determined.
Wide range of paper label applications
Paper printing products are an ideal advertising stunt. Its use is beneficial not only from the economic point of view.
Additional benefits include:
- Compatibility with various bases. A variety of adhesives are now applied to paper stickers. Therefore, they are easy to attach to a jar, bottle, equipment, or other product.
- High processing speed. Various technologies are used to apply visual images and inscriptions. Therefore, there are no problems even with the implementation of the most complex design projects.
- The ability to use a variety of paint and varnish compositions. Such substances contribute to the prolongation of the useful life of paper labels.
The type and grade of paper is selected taking into account the segment of the use of printing products. Stronger and more resistant types are excellent for products with a long shelf life. Paper labels in a roll are used to inform and highlight bulk goods, notify the manufacturer's pricing policy.
Self-adhesive paper stickers: cheap and effective
A revolutionary development was the self-adhesive paper sticker. It is great for mass production. After all, such labels are applied quite quickly and with the help of special equipment.
This type of stickers is used to mark sausages, cheeses, canned food, and some frozen goods. Self-adhesive labels are used in the process of advertising campaigns to highlight promotional products, certain products.
Paper labels are the choice of creatives and creatives. After all, they open up vast opportunities for suppliers and manufacturing companies. They also contribute to the promotion of goods and an increase in consumer demand.
Let's discuss your order of paper stickers right now - just call us +919833989800